Optimizing Hormonal Health Through Diet: The Root Cause Approach

hormones Sep 10, 2024

We are all searching for the ONE thing (or a group of things) that will be the quick-fix, cure all for our health woes. Here’s an example of the latest one:


“What can I eat to fix my hormone issues?”


Well, just eating one thing or picking one type of diet will not fix the issue, it’s more complex than that. 


And it depends on what hormones you are talking about. 


When I talk with women, they are mostly concerned about their estrogen levels decreasing as they age. 


A close runner up are concerns with low progesterone, which impacts the menstrual cycle, mood, and ability to conceive. 


What I don’t hear women asking about are hormones like insulin, cortisol, and leptin. 


We can’t forget that hormones are like a symphony–considering only one or two while ignoring the rest will create a horrible sound. They are ALL important and all work together. 


When you fast for more than 12 hours, you support estrogen. When you eat real food carbohydrates, you support progesterone. 


When you eat REAL food and not processed junk, you support the natural triggering of your fullness hormone, leptin. In return, your hunger hormone, ghrelin, also is naturally stimulated when it’s ACTUALLY time to eat, not just when your glucose levels crash. 


Fasting supports appropriate insulin hormone levels, as does eating real food. 


When you have poor mitochondrial health or toxicity in your body, producing sex hormones becomes a low priority. Addressing just one hormone in this situation is a bandaid and will not result in long-term wellness. 


Certain seeds have become popular for “seed-cycling” as a way to support sex hormone production. This DOES work, but can be time intensive to learn. 


AND it’s a bandaid. And most of my clients who have done this in the past declare that it’s not realistic. 


I agree. 


In general, eating real, whole foods, including nuts and seeds, will generally help ALL your hormones. So that is what my clients focus on. 


Now, there ARE some key nutrients and foods you should be prioritizing if you are concerned about your hormonal health as you begin to head into perimenopause OR if you have a chronic health condition you are on the struggle-bus with. 


Your hormones are built out of cholesterol from the foods you eat. In contrast to what health “experts” told us in the 90s, do NOT fear the fat! Eggs, fatty fish, nuts and seeds, these are all excellent for you.  (Although don’t go crazy on the nuts, they are very high in calories and can inadvertently screw up your balance if you over-eat them).


Other key nutrients for hormone balance include: 


  • Omega 3s
  • Magnesium (specifically malate, bis-glycinate, and L-threonate)
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin D
  • Antioxidants (think foods with color) are also important for protecting hormone producing glands and keeping inflammation down.


Foods that help with balancing hormones:


If you can digest them, cruciferous veggies and high fiber foods are excellent at removing excess estrogen to keep it from recycling and becoming toxic in the body. They are also helpful in binding to excess cholesterol and removing it. 


This goes without saying, but I’m going to say it anyway: avoid sugar, processed carbohydrates, processed foods in general, and alcohol. These are all very hard not only on hormonal balance, but your liver and gastrointestinal system. When insulin is elevated and not within a health range, it has a downstream effect on several other hormones, including estrogen, ghrelin, and leptin. Chronic elevations in insulin (which you are more prone to as you age) also negatively impacts the thyroid gland and hormonal signaling system. 


Still confused on what to eat? here’s a sample meal plan to get you started (pssst: my coaching clients ALL get monthly meal plans and shopping lists to help with this!)



3 eggs

Ezekiel toast + butter+¼ avocado

½ c. 2% cottage cheese + ¼ c. frozen blueberries



Smoothie bowl + 2 scoops protein powder + ¼ c. seed based granola

Peanut butter drizzle and fresh fruit if desired

1 tsp hemp seeds



4oz Steak or salmon in a salad with leafy greens such as kale and romaine + cheese to taste + tomatoes + 2 tbsp chopped pistachios + olive oil dressing


If and only if you haven’t hit your protein count for the day, add a protein shake after dinner. This can help with cravings and feelings of hunger. This should be low in carbohydrate and at least 20g protein. 


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