Four Tips for Losing Weight after 30

Jul 08, 2024

If you have been hearing more and more about the hormonal changes that we women go through as we approach menopause, you aren't alone. 


We are definitely getting our moment in the spotlight. 


I was joking with a friend recently that the reason behind all of this is because women, primarily women anyway, that have been on the cutting edge of influencer-dom on instagram are all now going through perimenopause and realize that 1) we don't know much about it, and 2) don't know how to help women through it. 


And I am here for it! 


When I was approaching 40, I was very clear with myself that I was NOT going to be one of those women who suddenly hit a new decade and their health came crashing down around them. Because I KNEW all the right things to do. I worked out HARD 5-6 days a week and ate a diverse and nutritious diet; isn't that all that there is to it 


And while my health didn't come crashing down at 40, when was 40.5, I started noticing my pants fit different, weight was moving to my middle, and I was sleeping well. I started have night sweats, interrupted sleep, and daily fatigue. 


I refused to admit that I had to re-look at what I considered healthy and what had helped me lose 40lbs all those years ago. 


Initially I reverted back to those old strategies--I tightened up my calories and started pushing myself during my workouts. 


I knew inherently and already had lost my faith in the calorie in versus calorie out model, however, when push come to shove, we revert back to old ingrained habits. I'm totally guilty of this. 


I realized pretty quickly that this was NOT helping and was taking up way too much time and brain space in my already very FULL days. 


So I went back to what I KNEW to be true and what I had seen work for so many of my clients. 


But let's start with a little background on perimenopause. 


This gradual changes usually starts taking place in our late 30s, early 40s. It's a slow roll at first. Then picks up steam. 


Changes you'll notice will be in not only how easily it is to gain weight, but where that weight takes up residence (our beautiful midsection). Sleep and mood changes happen and our body starts to make less and less estrogen, which throws our estrogen-progesterone balance into a tizzy. 


But what if I told you there are 5 simple things you can do, that are proven in the research, to help mitigate and minimize these symptoms? Even if you are already well on your way to menopause, it's not too late (or too early) to start adopting these habits. 


Here's are my top 4 game-changers for perimenopause ⬇️

1. Eat more protein: if you are feeling stuck, track your food intake looking ONLY at macronutrients (not calories) and see where you aren't quite hitting the mark. I'm not a fan of counting macros as a long term solution, but sometimes you just need to see where you are. It might surprise you that you are nowhere NEAR where you need to be for protein, or that you are overeating carbohydrates.


ACTION: Fill the gaps. If you need more protein, come up with a plan to do so. You should be eating at LEAST 1g of protein per pound of ideal body weight. If you want to weight 135lbs, then you need to get getting 135g protein minimal. This not only helps with appetite satiation, but helps with with nail and hair growth, energy & mood stabilization, and bone health. These are all thing especially important for women. Triple digit protein may seem hard to achieve, but once you start tracking, you'll see where you can easily add more. For example, add in a except 1/2 cup of tuna at lunch or have a protein shake after dinner. You'll hit your goals in no time. 


2. Movement: Track your steps for a week (most phones can do this for free, you just need to always have your phone with you). If you aren't getting at LEAST 8,000 steps/daily on average, you are leaving "money" on the table.


ACTION: Aim for 10k steps if you can and watch fat melt off. These steps do not need to be from power walking or running, they can just be from being active on a daily basis. You'll be surprised if you focus on simply walking more, how easily it is to get to 10k steps.


3. Sleep: This HAS to be a priority during perimenopause. If you are not getting at least 7.5 hours of sleep, figure out how to do that immediately.


ACTION: If it is the quality of sleep that plagues you, assess how late you are eating (your body needs 2-3 hours from the last meal to be done digesting most of the food in order to sleep well), assess what types of foods you are eating (some people do great with carbohydrates at dinner, others may noticed that this impact glucose dumping in the middle of the night-which wakes you up), and if you are working out later in the evening, this may also be playing a role in disrupted sleep. Try yoga or meditation instead. I also utilize S-TRO from Cell Core and have noticed a significant decrease in night sweats and insomnia. It has been a game changer and I can tell when I don't take it consistently. 


4. Lift heavy weights: This goes back to building muscle and simply getting stronger. How much muscle you have on your body is directly correlated to longevity and health outcomes as we age. It protects our balance and bone health, which are both crucial to preventing negative outcomes from falls as we get older. Building muscle also improves our insulin receptors and ability to utilize sugar and carbohydrates from our food. This is super important as we begin to lose estrogen, which naturally drives up insulin resistance. 


ACTION: Buy a gym membership or a digital membership (I'm personally obsessed with Peloton) and start investing in your bone health. Getting stronger makes you feels invincible and we all could use a little bit of that as we age. 


I do not have regrets, but I do wish I had been armed with this information in my 30s. Please take a minute to forward this or share this with someone you care about to help them take action towards improving their health. It is NEVER too late to start taking care of this one body (I mean, have you SEEN @trainwithbarb? Talk about inspo!)


Here's to your health, 


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