Where Do You Start

family nutrition health holistic health holistic nutrition Aug 23, 2022

Are you feeling overwhelmed?


Me too.


As someone who spends hours each week looking at the research, pouring over protocols, and digging into supplements, I can wholeheartedly tell you, shifting your health is not easy.


Being healthy USED to mean eating 3 square meals a day and not sitting too much.


But our world has changed so much in just the 15 years since I started on this path, that I can honestly say, it’s not just about watching what you eat anymore.


We have to worry about chemicals and pesticides in our yards and on our food, mold in our homes, crazy viruses, parasites, water quality, air quality, heavy metals, etc.


It’s. Not. Easy.


Or clear.


So where does one start?


Great question.


And the answer is different for everyone depending on how long you have been sick or unwell, how severe it is, and how old you are (kids will have a different approach obviously).


I wanted today’s blog to focus on the tactical baby steps you can start to implement TODAY.


If you are on a budget and can’t afford the professional services of a nutritionist, here are some easy shifts you can make on your own:

  1. Don't eat less, just eat less often. This will balance your blood sugar, your hormones, heal your gut, improve your insulin and glucose rhythm, and over-time improve your weight and your immune system.  
  2. Go to the EWG.org site and search for their Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen. The Dirty Dozen are the foods that should be always prioritized as organic. And stop spraying your yard with glyphosate/Roundup while you are at it. I will have a blog dedicated to this topic exclusively, but this chemical is absolutely destroying our bodies. And our children’s health. Get rid of it. Use Trader Joes, Grocery Outlet, and even Amazon to source organic food.

  3. Also on the EWG site is their national water review. If you are on my email list, you got a WHOLE email just about water a while back. Here’s the data in a nutshell: Your water is not safe. Unless you are on a well and regulate your own quality (which you need to be diligent about), most of us will have water coming from our tap that far exceeds the safety limits by the EWG. Daily consumption of this not only leads to toxicity from those compounds but creates an environment ripe for parasites, viral attacks, and dysbiosis in the gut. I recommend distilled or reverse osmosis water. If you can’t afford a fancy whole house filter (we don’t have one either), there are very affordable countertop ones from AquaTru or you can get water in bulk by the gallon from your local supermarket.

  4. Get good sleep. Our body detoxes when we sleep. It regenerates when we sleep. Turn off the devices, be in bed before 10pm, and keep your room cool and dark. Poor sleep can cause your body to less sensitive to insulin, similar to those with diabetes. Let’s kick this “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” mentality we seem to wear as a badge of honor in this country. Let’s change the framework and honor how important sleep is. If you are struggling with this and have tried everything, it’s time to seek professional support.

  5. Move your body every day. Even if this means just walking up and down the stairs into your house several times. Or doing 10 squats during TV commercials. Or pushups. Literally, any kind of movement that elevates your heart rate will do good for your body. So don’t wait. Make a plan and schedule it in your day.


If you’ve done these things and are looking to take it up a level, add in high-quality probiotics. There are two brands I love for this and they have different purposes. Just Thrive is an amazing brand that uses spore-based probiotics to help heal and seal your gut. Use this link for a small discount on your first order! I use the pharmaceutical grade version with my clients (higher dosing and one particular strain that has to be prescribed by a medical professional) and both have done amazing things for rebalancing the gut microbiome (which is the main root of most illness).


I also love Cell Core’s CT-Biotic. You also have to get this one directly from me, but it not only provides a nice blend of probiotics, the strains they use specifically support detoxification.


Did that help?


I hope this gives you the confidence that you can start addressing your health and taking wellness into your own hands.


IF you feel like you have tried so many things and are spinning your wheels, don’t wait. DON’T WAIT.


Your health and joy are too precious and life is too dang short to not be feeling amazing.


Get professional support.


It may cost you more money upfront, but it will save you time. And you won’t be wasting money on supplements and programs that don’t work.


 *If this resonated with you, please share the love and forward this to a friend!*

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